Thursday, January 5, 2012

Workers Compensation and Narcotic Use

I have read with great interest many articles, white papers, blogs, etc on this issue.  As a registered nurse and an injured worker I have a very special interest in this arena of workers compensation. 
I am currently working with a company that provides testing to indicate a patient's propensity toward addiction as well as how the specific narcotic is being metabolized within the patient's system.   This testing is a tool for the physician to use to perscribe and/or adjust the medication the patient is receiving to be sure that it is working toward a decrease in pain as well as any side effects that may occur.  I find it amazing that many physicians either do not know of this testing or, even worse, do not want to use it. 
My experience within the work comp system has been anything but constructive and I truly need to consider writing a book to point out the many areas of work comp that need to be changed and improved. 
I see our current work comp system broken with so many economic incentives to keep treatment on going that it baffles me.  I have continued to work (even though in pain) throughout this entire experience and still have not resolved my injury. If anyone out there has ideas on how we can collaboratively work to make the current sytem better, let me know - I continue to research all I can and obtain ideas on how to make the changes for better outcomes.